Scenes of Crimes is an album published in 2023, by the band PLOT. Ten songs with one thing in common: every story sketches an act of crime. 
The viewpoint from which each story's told is that of a victim,or the perpetrator, who judges the world with different moral standards.
The recording, mixing and mastering of PLAN started in 2013, finished in 2023.

‘There were no time limits set - not always the best way to complete a production …
It’s very hard to say and truly believe: now it’s ready...
When i check my recording files, the oldest recordings i can date are from 2013, 
but to be honest most of the songs already existed in rudimental form.

My plan: a warm and dense sound, acoustic and electronic instruments, interaction in playing 
I didn’t want to use too many instruments, the choice of a relatively small number 
returning in all songs. 
There was no blueprint to 
living in the back of my head, always played a part...

The soundscape’s are the inseparable part of the movies soundtrack that accomplish the lyrics.
They sometimes help to explain them, they sometimes just deepen the atmosphere.

All the lyrics are written with a concrete story in mind, a sketch from a mostly criminal event.
Being a crime reader and crime-movie watcher, it’s easy to find lots of inspiration.
The atmosphere, the description of city-landscapes in Ed mc Bain’s books are never far away, in 
my mind.

Musician and recording engineer. Presonus Studio One is my recording platform. And 
During the production i’ve tried to master recording, mixing and mastering techniques,
with the help of the internet and the indispensable magazine 'Sound on Sound'.
Being you’re own studio-tech means: handling unavoidable recording problems,
while you just want to play guitar….

Live instruments: electric & acoustic guitars, fretless bass, upright piano, small percussion, 
mandolin, e-bow, indian harmonium
Sampled instruments and synths: cello, oboe, tenor sax, violins, trombones, grand piano,
celesta, memorymode, pro-one
And the sounds of people gathering, pigs, horses, fanfares, trains, subways, spaceships,
wind, etcetera, etcetera
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